MidyaTech works as a pathfinder, guiding ICT investments and leaving signatory trails that all signify dedicated achievements.


New Azadi, Erbil, Iraq

+964 750 115 2224

// We Offer a Wide Variety of IT Services

Our Services

// we are MidyaTech

MidyaTech is recognized for quality, affordability, customer friendliness and uniqueness of approach.

// our service

We Offer a Wide
Variety of ICT Services

In-House Development
MidyaTech ICT Solutions have developed many custom built ICT solutions for its clients, each of which has made a big improvement in the business process it was aimed at.
Networking Solutions
We provide wide range, quality end-to-end network solutions that effectively meets your business objectives.
Unified Communications
Unified Communications
MidyaTech’s Unified Communications combines all forms of business communications into a single, unified system that provides powerful new ways to collaborate.